Tradition and innovation
Eating well in a restaurant is an essential prerogative, also having a good choice of dishes, a mixture of many flavors, richness of raw materials for quality and refinement, these prerequisites are the basis of a rich and well cared for cuisine, where nothing is left. to chance.
At the Il Vizietto restaurant in Cortina you can choose refined dishes such as raw seafood, with fish of absolute quality, or a more traditional pasta with cacio e pepe, a first course with an intense flavor appreciated by all customers, and we also offer a choice of dishes accessible. Among the various choice of top quality meats we also adopt local game, cooked as tradition dictates.We use organic products from our farms, buying those at 0 km as much as possible, following the rhythm of the seasons.

Our wine
The wine for Vizietto is the lifeblood, with us you can drink over 200 labels, many of which are international, including whites, reds and bubbles, we have a representation of wines from all over Italy, for each Region we offer at least some of the most famous wines and representative. To satisfy an international clientele, our labels come from South Africa, France, New Zealand, California, Chile. In Italy we offer from Sicily with the best passito wines, reds and whites from Trentino, to Campania passing three Marche and Abruzzo, in our restaurant even a foreigner can feel at home, international customers for a menu rich in local traditions but with international hints.